Karnataka Elections and after …


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Dangers of a one-party rule from Panchayat to Parliament will see the demise of democracy. Further, a religion backed ideology will put a strain on minorities, even with all the assurances of the BJP. It is too late for them to shed the self-created mantle of Hinduism. Karnataka elections will impact the future of democracy. Continue reading

Rahul or Modi


This gallery contains 3 photos.

Reading Time: 5 minutes There is a buzz and news about Rahul or Modi who could be the next prime minister of India. There are many gaps before the 2014 elections. A brief look at the reasons why one could succeed to end up being the prime minister is in trying to understand Indian party politics. Is there a changed international relations expectation from the new prime minster? Continue reading

9/11 and India …


Reading Time: 6 minutes The recent bomb blasts in New Delhi, the high alert in New York and a sense déjà vu has made the world stand on an edge again because of terrorism. The fact of this asymmetrical war is that a few … Continue reading